Integrated graph measures reveal survival likelihood for buildings in wildfire events |
2022 |
Akshat Chulahwat; Hussam Mahmoud; Santiago Monedero; Francisco Jośe Diez Vizcaíno; Joaquin Ramirez; David Buckley; Adrián Cardil Forradellas |
Article d'investigació |
Large scale multi-layer fuel load characterization in tropical savanna using GEDI spaceborne lidar data |
2022 |
Leite RV; Silva CA; Broadbent EN; Amaral CH; Liesenberg V; Almeida DRA; Mohan M; Godinho S; Cardil A; Hamamura C; Faria BL; Brancalion PHS; Hirsch A; Marcatti GE; Dalla Corte AP; Zambrano AMA; Costa M |
Article d'investigació |
Treetop: A Shiny-based Application and R package for Extracting Forest Information from LiDAR data for Ecologists and Conservationists |
2022 |
Silva CA; Hudak AT; Vierling LA; Valbuena R; Cardil A; Mohan M; Alves de Almeida DR; Broadbent EN; Almeyda Zambrano AM; Wilkinson B; Sharma A; Drake JB; Medley PB; Vogel JG; Atticciati Prata G; Atkins |
Article d'investigació |
Analyzing Canopy Height Patterns and Environmental Landscape Drivers in Tropical Forests Using NASA's GEDI Spaceborne LiDAR. |
2022 |
Adrah E; Wan Mohd Jaafar WS; Omar H; Bajaj S; Leite RV; Mazlan SM; Silva CA; Chel Gee Ooi M; Mohd Said MN; Abdul Maulud KN; Cardil A; Mohan M. |
Article d'investigació |
Spatio-temporal domains of wildfire-prone teleconnection patterns in the Western Mediterranean Basin. |
2022 |
Rodrigues M; Mariani M; Russo A; Salis M; Galizia LF; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Fire behavior modeling for operational decision-making |
2021 |
Cardil, Adrián; Monedero, Santiago; Schag, Gavin; de Miguel, Sergio; Tapia, Mario; Stoof, Cathelijne R.; Silva, Carlos A.; Mohan, Midhun; Cardil, Alba; Ramirez, Joaquin |
Article d'investigació |
UAV-supported forest regeneration: current trends, challenges and implications |
2021 |
Midhun Mohan; Gabriella Richardson; Gopika Gopan; Matthew Mehdi Aghai; Shaurya Bajaj; G. A. Pabodha Galgamuwa; Mikko Vastaranta; Pavithra S. Pitumpe Arachchige; Lot Amorós; Ana Paula Dalla Corte; Serg |
Article d'investigació |
Coupled effects of climate teleconnections on drought, Santa Ana winds and wildfires in southern California |
2021 |
Adrián Cardil; Marcos Rodrigues; Joaquin Ramirez; Sergio de-Miguel; Carlos A. Silva; Michela Mariani; Davide Ascoli |
Article d'investigació |
Afforestation, reforestation and new challenges from COVID-19: Thirty-three recommendations to support Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). |
2021 |
Mohan M; Rue HA; Bajaj S; Galgamuwa GAP; Adrah E; Mehdi Aghai M; Broadbent EN; Khadamkar O; Sasmito SD; Roise J; Doaemo W; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Individual tree detection using UAV-lidar and UAV-SfM data: A tutorial for beginners |
2021 |
Mohan, Midhun; Leite, Rodrigo Vieira; Broadbent, Eben North; Wan Mohd Jaafar, Wan Shafrina; Srinivasan, Shruthi; Bajaj, Shaurya; Dalla Corte, Ana Paula; do Amaral, Cibele Hummel; Gopan, Gopika; Saad, |
Article d'investigació |
Beyond trees: Mapping total aboveground biomass density in the Brazilian savanna using high-density UAV-lidar data |
2021 |
Teixeira da Costa MB; Silva CA; Broadbent EN; Vieira Leite R; Mohan M; Liesenberg V; Stoddart J; Hummel do Amaral C; Alves de Almeida dr Laura; da Silva A; Ré Y. Goya LR; Almeida Cordeiro V; Rex F; Hi |
Article d'investigació |
Do climate teleconnections modulate wildfire-prone conditions over the Iberian Peninsula? |
2021 |
Rodrigues M; Peña-Angulo D; Russo A; Zúñiga-Antón M; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Remotely Sensed Tree Characterization in Urban Areas:A Review |
2021 |
Luisa Velasquez-Camacho; Adrián Cardil; Midhun Mohan; Maddi Etxegarai; Gabriel Anzaldi; Sergio de-Miguel |
Article d'investigació |
COVID-19 jeopardizes the response to coming natural disasters |
2020 |
Adrián Cardil; Sergio de-Miguel |
Article d'investigació |
A Live Fuel Moisture Content product from medium spatial resolution Landsat TM satellite time series ready for implementation in fire behavior models. |
2020 |
Garcia M; Riaño D; Yebra M; Salas FJ; Cardil A; Monedero S; Ramirez J; Martín MP; Vilar L; Gajardo J; Ustin S |
Article d'investigació |
Regional Level Data Server for Fire Hazard Evaluation and Fuel Treatments Planning. |
2020 |
Krsnik G; Busquets Olivé E; Piqué Nicolau M; Larrañaga A; Cardil A; García-Gonzalo J; González Olabarría JR |
Article d'investigació |
Individual Tree Attribute Estimation and Uniformity Assessment in Fast-Growing Eucalyptus spp. Forest Plantations Using Lidar and Linear Mixed-Effects Models. |
2020 |
Leite RV; Silva CA; Mohan M; Cardil A; Almeida DRA; Carvalho SPC; Jaafar WSWM; Guerra-Hernández J, Weiskittel A; Hudak AT; Broadbent EN; Prata G; Valbuena R; Leite HG; Taquetti MF; Soares AAV; Scolfor |
Article d'investigació |
Carbon Emissions from Oil Palm Induced Forest and Peatland Conversion in Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. |
2020 |
Wan Mohd Jaafar WS; Said NFS; Abdul Maulud KN; Uning R. Latif MT; Muhmad Kamarulzaman AM; Mohan M; Pradhan B; Saad SNM; Broadbent EN; Cardil A; Silva CA; Takriff MS |
Article d'investigació |
Combined impact of sample size and modeling techniques for predicting volume in Eucalyptus spp. plantations from LiDAR data. |
2020 |
Sousa da Silva V; Silva CA; Mohan M; Cardil A; Rex FE; Hambrecht Loureiro G; Alves de Almeida DR; Broadbent EN; Bastos Gorgens E; Dalla Corte AP; Araújo Silva E; Valbuena R; Klauberg C |
Article d'investigació |
Comparison of Statistical Modelling Approaches for Aboveground Biomass Stock and Change Estimation in Selectively Logged Tropical Forest from Lidar data. |
2020 |
Rex FE; Silva CA; Dalla Corte AP; Klauberg C; Mohan M; Cardil A; Sousa da Silva V; Alves de Almeida DR; García M; Broadbent EN; Valbuena R; Stoddart J; Merrick T; Hudak AT |
Article d'investigació |
Measuring Individual Tree Diameter and Height Using GatorEye High-Density UAV-Lidar in an Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest System |
2020 |
Dalla Corte AP; Rex FE; Sanquetta CR; Silva CA; Moura MM; Wikinson B; Almeyda-Zambrano AM; da Cunha Neto EM; Veras HFP; de Moraes A; Klauberg C; Mohan M; Cardil A; Broadbent EN |
Article d'investigació |
Emerging threats linking tropical deforestation and the COVID-19 pandemic |
2020 |
Pedro H.S. Brancalion; Eben N. Broadbent; Sergio de-Miguel; Adrián Cardil; Marcos R. Rosa; Catherine T. Almeida; Danilo R.A. Almeida; Shourish Chakravarty; Mo Zhou; Javier G.P. Gamarra; Jingjing Liang |
Article d'investigació |
Recent deforestation drove the spike in Amazonian fires |
2020 |
Adrián Cardil; Sergio de-Miguel; Carlos A. Silva; Peter B. Reich; David Calkin; Pedro H. S. Brancalion; Alexander C. Vibrans; Javier G. P. Gamarra; M. Zhou; Bryan C. Pijanowski; Cang Hui; Thomas W. Cr |
Article d'investigació |
Identifying large fire weather typologies in the Iberian Peninsula |
2020 |
Rodrigues, Marcos; Trigo, Ricardo M; Vega-Garcia, Cristina; Cardil, Adrián |
Article d'investigació |
Fire and burn severity assessment: calibration of Relative Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (RdNBR) with field data |
2019 |
Cardil A; Mola-Yudego B; Blázquez-Casado A; González-Olabarria JR |
Article d'investigació |
Assessing and reinitializing wildland fire simulations through satellite active fire data |
2019 |
Cardil A; Monedero S; Ramirez J; Silva CA |
Article d'investigació |
How does drought impact burned area in Mediterranean vegetation communities? |
2019 |
Cardil, A.; Vega-García, C.; Ascoli, D.; Molina-Terrén D.M.; de Silva, C.A.; Rodrigues, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Estimating the Threshold of Detection on Tree Crown Defoliation Using Vegetation Indices from UAS Multispectral Imagery |
2019 |
Otsu K; Pla M; Duane A; Cardil A; Brotons L |
Article d'investigació |
Predicting fire spread and behaviour on the fireline. Wildfire Analyst Pocket: a mobile App for wildland fire prediction |
2019 |
Monedero S; Ramirez J; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Optimizing individual tree detection accuracy and measuring forest uniformity in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) plantations using airborne laser scanning |
2019 |
Mohan M; Mendonça B; Silva CA; Klauberg C; Ribeiro AS; Araújo EJ; Monte MA; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Analysis of forest fire fatalities in Southern Europe: Spain, Portugal, Greece and Sardinia (Italy) |
2019 |
Molina-Terrén DM; Xanthopoulos G; Diakakis M; Ribeiro L; Caballero D; Delogu GM; Viegas DX; Silva CA; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Mapping pine processionary moth defoliation in a pine-oak mixed forest using unmanned aerial systems and multispectral imagery. |
2019 |
Cardil A; Otsu K; Pla M; Silva CA; Brotons L |
Article d'investigació |
ForestGapR: An R Package for Airborne Laser Scanning-derived Tropical Forest Gaps Analysis. |
2019 |
Silva CA; Rangel E; Mohan M; Alves de Almeida DR; Broadbent EN; Wan Mohd Jaafar WS; de Almeida Papa D; Cardil A;Klauberg C |
Article d'investigació |
Factors influencing fire suppression success in the province of Quebec (Canada). |
2019 |
Cardil A; Lorente M; Boucher D; Boucher J; Gauthier S |
Article d'investigació |
Predicting Growing Stock Volume of Eucalyptus plantations using 3-D point clouds derived from UAV imagery and ALS data. |
2019 |
Guerra J; Soares P; Cardil A; Silva M; Silva CA; Botequim B; Cosenza D; Gonzalez Ferreiro EM; Diaz RA |
Article d'investigació |
Stochastic decision trigger modelling to assess the probability of wildland fire impact. |
2019 |
Ramirez J; Monedero S; Silva CA; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Climate teleconnections synchronize Picea glauca masting and fire disturbance across North West America. |
2019 |
Ascoli D; Hacket-Pain A; LaMontagne JM; Cardil A; Conedera M; Maringer J; Motta R; Pearse IS; Vacchiano G. |
Article d'investigació |
Adjusting the rate of spread of fire simulations in real-time. |
2019 |
Cardil A; Monedero S; Silva CA; Ramirez J |
Article d'investigació |
A new era for restoration monitoring |
2019 |
Alves de Almeida DR; Stark SC; Valbuena R; Broadbent EB; X Freire Silva TS; Faria de Resende A; Ferreira MP; Cardil A; Silva CA; Amazonas N; Almeyda Zambrano AM; Santin Brancalion PH |
Article d'investigació |
Temporal interactions among throughfall, type of canopy and thinning drive radial growth in an Iberian mixed pine-beech forest |
2018 |
Cardil A; Imbert JB; Camarero JJ; Primicia I; Castillo FJ |
Article d'investigació |
Improving Individual Tree Crown Delineation and Attributes Estimation of Tropical Forests Using Airborne LiDAR Data |
2018 |
Wan Mohd Jaafar WS; Woodhouse IH; Silva CA; Omar H; Abdul Maulud KN; Hudak AT; Klauberg C; Cardil A; Midhun M |
Article d'investigació |
Individual Tree Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Derived Canopy Height Model in an Open Canopy Mixed Conifer Forest. |
2017 |
Mohan M; Silva CA; Klauberg C; Jat P; Catts G; Cardil A; Hudak AT; Dia M |
Article d'investigació |
Simulating wildfires backwards in time from the final fire perimeter in point-functional fire models |
2017 |
Santiago Monedero; Joaquin Ramirez; Domingo Miguel Molina Terrén; Adrián Cardil |
Article d'investigació |
Predicting stem total and assortment volumes in an industrial Pinus taeda L. forest plantation using airborne laser scanning data and random forest |
2017 |
Silva CA; Klauberg C; Hudak AT; Vierling LA; Wan Mohd Jaafar WS; Mohan M; Garcia M; Ferraz A; Cardil A; Saatchi A. |
Article d'investigació |
Wildland fire typologies and extreme temperatures in NE Spain |
2017 |
Cardil A; Merenciano D; Molina DM |
Article d'investigació |
Assessing Pine Processionary Moth Defoliation Using Unmanned Aerial Systems |
2017 |
Cardil A; Vepakomma U; Brotons L |
Article d'investigació |
Combined effect of pulse density and grid cell size on predicting and mapping aboveground carbon in fast-growing Eucalyptus forest plantation using airborne LiDAR data. |
2017 |
Silva CA; Hudak AT; Klauberg C; Vierling LA; Gonzalez-Benecke; de Padua Chaves Carvalho S; Estraviz Rodriguez LC; Cardil A. |
Article d'investigació |
Fatalities in wildland fires from 1945 to 2015 in Sardinia (Italy) |
2017 |
Adrián Cardil; Giuseppe Delogu; Domingo Miguel Molina Terrén |
Article d'investigació |
Practitioner Perceptions of Wildland Fire Management across South Europe and Latin America |
2016 |
Molina-Terren DM; Cardil A; Kobziar L |
Article d'investigació |
Fire history and management of Pinus canariensis forests on the western Canary Islands Archipelago, Spain |
2016 |
Domingo Miguel Molina Terrén; Danny L Fry; Federico F. Grillo; Adrián Cardil; ]Scott L. Stephens |
Article d'investigació |
Fire effects in Pinus uncinata Ram. plantations |
2016 |
Cardil A; Molina-Terrén DM; Oliveres J; Castellnou M |
Article d'investigació |
High temperature days and wildland fire occurrence in north east Spain |
2015 |
Molina, DM, Cardil, A |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Challenges and trends in fire use and training in South Europe and Latinamerica |
2015 |
Cardil A, Molina DM, Kobziar L. |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Temperature determining larger wildland fires in NE Spain |
2015 |
Molina DM; Cardil A |
Article d'investigació |
Analysis of factors influencing deployment of fire suppression resources in Spain using artificial neural networks |
2015 |
Costafreda-Aumedes, Sergi; Cardil, Adrian; Molina-Terrén, Domingo Miguel; Daniel, Sarah; Mavsar, Robert; Vega-Garcia, Cristina. |
Article d'investigació |
Extreme temperature conditions and wildland fires in Spain |
2015 |
Cardil A, Molina DM, Eastaugh CS. |
Article d'investigació |
Large wildland fires and extreme temperatures in Sardinia (Italy) |
2015 |
Cardil A; Salis M; Spano D; Delogu G; Molina DM |
Article d'investigació |
Factors Causing Victims of Wildland Fires in Spain (1980-2010) |
2015 |
Cardil A; Molina DM |
Article d'investigació |
Forest fire propagation prediction based on overlapping DDDAS forecasts |
2015 |
Artès T; Cardil A; Cortés A; Margalef T; Molina D; Pelegrín L; Ramirez J |
Article d'investigació |
Fire effects in pinus uncinata ram plantations |
2015 |
Cardil A, Molina DM, Oliveres J, Castellnou M. |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Extreme temperature days and their potential impacts on southern Europe |
2014 |
Cardil A; Molina DM; Kobziar LN |
Article d'investigació |
Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires in Aragón (NW Spain) from 1978 to 2010. |
2013 |
Cardil A; Molina-Terren DM; Ramírez J; Vega-Garcia C |
Article d'investigació |
Large wildland fires in three diverse regions in Spain from 1978 to 2010 |
2013 |
Cardil A; Molina DM |
Article d'investigació |
Is fire suppression reducing large fires in number and size in Spain? Years 1968-2009 |
2012 |
Molina DM, Cardil A. |
Article en llibre |
Trends in number and area of large fires in Spain (from 1978 to 2009). 'Modelling Fire Behaviour and Risk', Eds: D. Spano, V. Bacciu, M. Salis, C. Sirca. ISBN: 978-88-904409-7-7. p.166-173 |
2012 |
Molina, DM, Cardil, A. |
Article d'investigació |
Caracterización del riesgo por incendio forestal en la interfaz urbano-forestal en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía - Zona costera de Málaga y Granada. |
2011 |
Caballero D; Quesada C; Cardil A. |
Document científic-tècnic |
Plan Comarcal de Prevención Contra Incendios Forestales de la Comarca Forestal I - Parque Natural de Peñalara |
2011 |
Caballero D; Cardil A |
Document científic-tècnic |
Estudio y diagnosis del riesgo por incendio forestal en la interfaz urbano-forestal en la Comunidad de Madrid. Comunidad de Madrid. Consejería de Presidencia, Justicia e Interior. Dirección General de |
2011 |
Caballero D; Quesada C; Cardil A. |
Document científic-tècnic |